So I went home lickitty split to sign up online. Little did I know the horror of THE WEB BASED INTERVIEW!!!! If I could go back in time, I would warn myself of the horror of it before I blindly took the dang thing, and be better prepared for it. So I took the test with a blind lalalalala attitude, but after the first few questions, the quiz said it would start to be timed. "Okay," I thought, and continued on. Then the crap started to happen. The pages were taking forever to load, and by the time it did, the question would skip on. I at first didn't quite care.I didn't think the test was too serious and thought it looked like a survey. Wrong.... WRONG WRONG WRONG! Also, I was very mellow about how I felt so I kept answering neutral or agree. Even worse. Well, after many missed questions and Neutrals later. I came to the end of the test.
It gave that epic "Sorry.. blah blah blah. Fail...Epic fail... You suck.... Try again in 6 months. Have nice day~ Buh-Bye!"
((Insert silent scream here))
It is one thing to be told you Officially Suck in Disney standard,... But 6 months to bang your head, and try again? NO! D= OMG! I felt cheated in a way. Apart from my computer being stupid(Yes, I was using Firefox rather than the godly Internet Explorer), but I just had no idea how serious this test was. I honestly thought it was a useless survey after the first few questions.
So I called up the phone number and let them know about my computer issues, and they told me I MUST use Internet Explorer, and they would reset the test in 24 hours, (with a Dooming voice)" only this One time."
You can bet me and google became best friends during that 24 hour period...
Come to find out, the test is not based on right or wrong in particularly, but on how confident you are with your answers. You either strongly agree, or strongly disagree. NO MIDDLE ANSWERS like Neutral, Agree, or Disagree. You either are or you aren't Strongly for or an answer. The second key to this test is to be consistent. If you say you like meeting new people and hanging around with them, then a few questions later you better like hanging around people rather spending alone time as your answer. The quiz WILL remember what you said last, so be conscious about your answers. So you will want to take your time taking the test. Sure it might be easy knowing which 2 choices to pick from, but you have to remember what you said last. ^u^
When they say answer truthfully, please do, they are checking to see where you would work best at. Like if you are a strong leader or have a strong speaker personality, they would most likely put you in the position where you interactive with guests most(on your top choices or whatever spots they have available for you on your Role Checklist). If you aren't good speaking with people, then be honest with the test. If you don't like hanging around people all the time, say so in your quiz with strongly disagree. You can always get a job like backstage,stocking, costuming, and ect., that do not require a lot of interaction from others, and you can basically work at your own pace.
Well, after I taken my test the next day, I got a lovely little screen that told me I passed(Thank God+sigh of relief) and recieved a phone number to schedule an interview. Unfortunately, by the time I tried to call, the scheduling office was.... Closed. =( So had to wait for the next day to call. I got scheduled around 8p.m. on February 18th. YEY!
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